Monthly Archives: October 2020

The power of podcasts

Since ending my long-term relationship I’ve taken to walking my dog twice a day to break the monotony of a weekend spent in lockdown with only the voice in my head for company. I’ve often downloaded and played podcasts during long car trips, but now playing them whilst walking has turned out to be a game changer. The impact of some of the stories I’m listening to, or interviews of people far removed from me geographically, has often resulted in a feeling of connectedness. At times, I have stopped mid step, taken a deep breath, and realised the words I was hearing echoed exactly how I felt. The subject matter is often varied, but I would often have this experience. One time I was overcome with emotion as I realised I had encountered the same emotional turbulence that was being described by the podcaster. It was powerful. Each time I returned home from my half hour up to two hour walks I felt stronger emotionally. Hearing other people’s tragedy, but subsequent triumph as they picked themselves up, gave me a sense of ‘I’m ok’. And what I started to see was that even though the intro to the guest or interviewee may have led me to believe I would have nothing in common, once they started unfolding their life I saw many similarities. I guess what has hit me is that we all have fundamentally carried things through to adulthood that were the result of childhood trauma – in various degrees. Whether it be a dear of being alone, driven by having parents split up, or even a dear of failure, through not being acknowledged enough by a parent or coach. Whatever the event and events, it is the human condition that we experience emotions as a byproduct. And, if we then enter into toxic relationships or even work places – where we pretend to be a version of ourselves to please others – then, we inevitably head for a ‘crash’. So, it is comforting to know I’m not the only one that feels broken at times. To know this is the human condition is to let go of feeling shame. And to enjoy a laugh or two along the way of the podcasters journey is always a bonus. So, to those unfiltered Podcasters out there I say, thankyou! You allow me to feel human and connected to humanity in this small but vital way.